Members-Only registration and access now available!

We are excited to announce the launch of new IBEW Local 477 members-only functionality on our web site, including the ability to view out-of-work books online. Wage rates, benefits information, and even the ability to pay dues online are also coming soon!  
In order to enable these new features, you will need to register for an account. In order to do so, we’ll need your name, address, cel phone number, and IBEW membership card number.
To create a new account, click on “Log In” in the top-right corner of the site. In the window that pops up, click on “Create New Account.” Fill out the necessary form prompt, and click “Submit.” Once your form has been submitted, you will need to be approved for access to the members-only section. This is a manual process, and our IT department approves accounts weekly on Mondays.
Once approved, you will receive an e-mail. Log in to the site and the “Members Only” tab will appear in the menu, behind which you will find members only access to the Out of Work Books. If you are not approved by the following Monday please re-apply, taking care to enter your card number correctly. If you are repeatedly denied, please contact the local directly by phone or email.  Please note that website access is currently restricted to IBEW Local 477 members ONLY, travellers are not being approved at this time.
Thank you for your time and patience as we roll out these new features.
The IBEW Local 477 IT Department